Why You Need to Learn About SEO
Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a term you see everywhere on the internet. It encompasses a lot and can be a bit tricky if you’re just starting online marketing. Irrespective of how much knowledge you have on the subject, you should understand that you need to learn as much as you can about it if you aim to stand out in your online marketing plan expedition.
SEO is a practice that is used to affect the visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine’s unpaid results. This process is usually referred to as ‘natural’ or ‘organic search’ because it involves driving traffic to your site without incurring advertisement cost.
Search engine optimisation is an exceptional marketing process that focuses on boosting your online visibility. Quite simply, SEO is at times just a matter of ensuring your website is organised in a manner that search engines understand, as well as having an excellent homepage, navigation and QUALITY CONTENT.
I found out about the concept of SEO accidentally many years ago when I created a simple website for the main aim of presenting my freelance portfolio. A little while later, I started getting enquiry emails and was curious to find out how people had found me so quickly. So, an accident made me explore the industry to learn as much as I could.
Selling Online or Not, SEO Is Important
Many business ventures always look past SEO simply because they don’t ‘sell online’. They are certain that being a brick-and-mortar business means they do not need to pull people to their websites as they don’t make any profit ‘directly from it’.
I can categorically tell you that it is very WRONG!
One average people do one or two researches before they commit to making a purchase. Even if you’re not an online seller, people will still search for what your business ‘sells’ and if you don’t have a solid online presence, they’ll most likely find your competitor instead and contact them to initiate a purchase without even knowing you exist.
A quick thought: Have you ever been out and about and decided to try out a new place to eat? Did you go to people door-to-door to ask if they had a good place in mind? That’s unlikely.
If you flow with the today’s age, you would most likely have picked up your phone and had a quick search of restaurants in your area. Some paid searches would obviously appear in your search results, but most of what you saw was brought to you because of the SEO efforts conducted on the part of those businesses.
Some Still Don’t Use It. Why?
Some businesses understand the concept of SEO and how important it is but still decide not to go for it. There could be a number of reasons why.
“For starters, people need to communicate with others” stated the MD of British internet marketing firm Square Media, Matthew Rigby “A lot of individuals feel more relaxed in the event that they can see you and what others thought about you before buying from you themselves. Real life face-to-face dealings and continuous communications have an expansive influence in building relationships with clients”.
Matthew acknowledged the fact that many businesses understand the importance of SEO, they seem to place more value in face-to-face connections and ignore how they are found by those people in the first place (possibly the internet)…. For further Search Engine Optimisation advice, contact us or Request a free Analysis!