The Importance of Blogging for Business

Matthew 24th January 2020 0 Comments

There are so many benefits of blogging for business these days, in actual fact, it’s pretty important. In addition to the benefits blogging brings, it’s actually relatively straightforward and old blog posts can continue to provide a number of benefits long after they have been published.

Here are five ways a blog can really improve your business’s online success.

It improves your SEO

All major search engines love fresh content and regularly producing new content shows search engines your website is up to date, and prompts bots to scan and crawl your site, giving you a new opportunity to increase your position in search rankings.

It helps drive organic traffic to your website

This relates to both new and repeat website visitors.

A blog gives people a reason to keep coming back to your website, especially if you post frequently and deliver high quality content that’s actually interesting and useful.

It demonstrates authority

Well written and useful articles can help establish you and your business as an industry leader. By publishing content that resonates with your audience and demonstrates your knowledge, you are marketing your skills for your business too.

Over time, regularly publishing helpful and informative blog posts will naturally make you  the “go to” person for expertise in your industry, leading to increased traffic, more enquiries and higher conversion rates.

Creates opportunities for sharing

One of the most powerful benefits of blogging is the opportunity it creates for others to share the link to your blog. And with so many different sharing platforms out there (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) visitors can share a link to your blog, which is essentially free marketing.

They're an inexpensive marketing tool

In comparison to other marketing methods like social media advertising , blogs are very inexpensive to kick-start out and maintain.

You’ve likely already invested in the technology infrastructure, such as your website and additional software, so it is only a limited additional investment of your time needed thereafter.

Do you know that you need to blog but just don’t have the time? Or want to start blogging but just don’t know where to start? Square Media can help. Get in touch with us today to find out more.